A Letter to Lockdown Larry and His Three Chins

Dear Governor Hogan, aka Lockdown Larry,

Hey buddy! Long time no see. Well, except for that lame write in vote comment you made a few weeks ago. Gotta tell you, I didn’t miss you or your fat little chins waving in the breeze.But now, YOU’RE BACK! I guess you missed the news shows and fawning CNN hosts telling you how wonderful you are. Patting yourself on the back was fun, wasn’t it? Almost as much fun as spending the taxpayer’s money on useless Korean test kits. ( By the way, Lar, where are those? Did you pawn them off on some street Covid test dealer in Baltimore?)

Anyway, in an effort to continue your status as “America’s Most Beloved Governor,” you’re back in the limelight again. ( By the way, you haven’t really won the award as America’s Most Beloved Governor. The media just gave you that title to stick it to Trump. Trust me, if you run for any higher office, they are going to drop you like a used Covid mask. You will be a pariah. I can’t wait to see it. That whole bipartisan shit will be over.)

But, here’s what I don’t understand. If you were such a great Governor and handled this Covid thing SO well, shouldn’t we be done with all this shutdown and roll back crap? Oh, wait, that’s right. It’s not your fault, it’s Trump’s fault, it’s the counties’ fault, it’s the people’s fault. You did it all right and we just effed it up. Right? Yeah, I don’t think so.

See, what I have learned about you, Humpty, is that you don’t do anything that doesn’t fit a political agenda and move you closer to running for President. That’s why you didn’t support Trump, because there is no way a lame ass like you would be able to follow him. Because, you are a big, fat coward. All those things you promised to us in Maryland? Yeah, none of them happened. And now you’re telling Trump what to do in light of the election fraud that has impacted the results? Yeah, right.

But I digress. Now you want to roll back how much business restaurants can do. You want us all back in our face diapers, even though they don’t work. Oh, and you are gearing hospitals up for another surge that will never happen. You did finally mention nursing homes, after what, 8 months? You are what we call a ” shit show” Larry. A failure. A liar. And because of that, businesses in Maryland will suffer more. People will lose jobs again, default on loans, etc. By the way, I saw that the power companies can now start cutting people off for not paying bills since there was a moratorium on that during the pandemic and that has now ended. But you don’t care, right? Not your problem. You still get paid. Your family businesses are fine.

And I’m sure you’ll have your fat ass at the Thanksgiving table with friends and family regardless of restrictions. Here’s a thought. Keep your mask on while you eat and just stuff the food in your mouth through it. That way the Covid won’t come in and infect you. But, you might choke. Oh well. Collateral damage.


Why We Loved Alex Trebek…and Always Will

It’s hard nowadays to find a person in the public arena that everyone loves. Even if people start out being loved, somehow either they mess it up by something they do or something that is found out about them.

Not so with Alex Trebek. The long time “Jeopardy” host, who died on November 9th of Pancreatic Cancer, was the rare person who people worked with and watched every day who left this world with his character beyond reproach.

Why is that? Well, of course, the people who knew him said he was hardworking, humble, and kind. The millions who watched him nightly loved his calm demeanor, low key humor, patience, and kindness. It seemed as though he was interested in all the contestants no matter who they were, how unlikely a contestant they seemed, or how poorly they did answering questions. I always thought that when you left that show, even if you did horribly, you felt okay about yourself because of Alex. What a gift.

One of the main things I loved about Alex is that he didn’t make the show about him or his ego. In this day where the hosts of shows seem intent on inserting themselves so that THEY are the star attraction, that wasn’t what he did. (Side Note: It’s why I can’t watch some of the Food Network Baking Contest Shows. Do I really find Carla’s pithy sayings or Duff’s funny faces that entertaining? No. I don’t. )

Alex knew that the questions and the contestants were the stars. And those contestants didn’t need to be whacky or wear weird clothes to get his attention, because he gave them all the same attention. They got one brief conversation about themselves and then the rest was the game.

No one won without playing the game and knowing the answers. Producers didn’t get to let certain contestants slide by because of their personalities or demographics. Play well, you win. Screw up the wrong answer at the wrong time, and you lost. And, through it all there was Alex as the calm, reassuring, impartial moderator.

He wasn’t humorless. He wasn’t without emotion. Remember the show where a contestant wrote, ” We love you Alex” as his Final Jeopardy answer?Alex read the response with tears and a catch in his voice. I cried.

In the end, when we all knew his time was short, he handled himself with class and grace. He did as many shows as he could until he couldn’t. He left them to be watched all the way through. After all, he knew how important it was to the contestants, and I think he knew how important it was to us.

We needed to see it through to the end with him and he knew that. It will be tough watching them all, knowing how the “story” ends. But I know I want to.

After they are over, we shall miss him every night. He was one of a kind.

God bless you, Alex.

What’s the Hurry?

It seems that the Biden team, his media outlets, social media outlets, supporters, etc. are in a HUGE hurry to call this election despite many irregularities. Once they all agreed they had to say something, they all tripped over themselves to get the big banner out first. And, just like that, they declared Biden the winner.

They won’t even ALLOW people to post about needing to explore irregularities. Try to do this is on Facebook and you go to Facebook jail!

Is this the same party that in 2000 sparked 37 days of investigation into hanging chads on votes in order to settle the Bush/Gore election? Remember all their calls to take our time, to get it right, etc.

That’s all gone this time. It seems that if they don’t say it’s over right now, Mr. Biden will turn into a giant pumpkin and Ms. Harris will turn into a rat. ( Although I think Biden is already a pumpkin head and Ms. Harris has been a rat for a while.) They throw all the platitudes out there, ” We need to get this country back together,” or ” We must set an example for the rest of the world. ” Those are beyond laughable. Do they really think illegally certifying an election is going to make us all good friends and inspire the world cite us as an example of integrity? Come on.

Here’s what is really going on. It’s just like coaching softball.

See, in softball tournaments, they sometimes have time limits on games because teams have to play so many times a day. They will have a rule where after a prescribed time no new inning can begin. Once the timer ends, if they haven’t started the next inning, the game is over and the team that was ahead at the end of the previous inning wins. It doesn’t even matter how many outs there are. Once the timer goes off, it’s done.

What happens under this rule is that as you get closer to the time for the game to end, teams will either rush through their actions on the field to get to a new inning to give them a chance to win or slow down the game to make sure no new inning can begin. All kinds of tactics are used, shoe tying before an at bat, outfielders taking a while to get on the field, etc. All so one team can use the rule to assure victory.

It’s annoying and slightly unethical, but it happens all the time.

Biden and his clan are doing the great ” hurry up.” They figure if they get out there first, declare him the winner with the help of the media, social media, and even some Republicans, then it will end. The public will get tired of this and pressure Trump to concede.

If the great “hurry up” doesn’t work, we will then be subjected to the big ” slow down.” ( Honestly, as slow as Joe is, this will fit right into his personality. ) They will drag their feet in court and try to drag the challenge as long as they can so as to get to the point where another avenue to certify must occur.

It’s all a game to them. A big, fat, game that will keep the powers that be, the deep state, the bad actors, in control.

I thing they are ignoring one thing. The people, real Americans who see this sham for what it is. They know a cheater when they see one ( right Houston Astros?). And I don’t think they will stand for it. There will be repercussions. I don’t know what they will be, but this will not end for a very long time.

I also know our country will never be the same again. We will have lost faith in the ONE thing that keeps us from tyranny, our right to free and fair elections. And that will either be a catalyst to do better, to require in person voting, to require I.D. to vote, and to prosecute those who commit election fraud, or it will be what sends us down the road to totalitarian government.

Just ask the Cubans, the Russians, the Chinese, and the North Koreans about the second option. It’s not pleasant.

We need to take our time and get it right. We don’t get another chance.

On My Own Terms

You know, it seems that social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. want to make us agree to their terms all the time for us to use them. I think turn about is fair play.

I have decided that I will now give Facebook MY TERMS for me to be a user. After all, they make money off of me and how many times I go on their site and stay there. Why shouldn’t they be forced to sign MY TERMS.

So, here they are.

The following are the terms for FACEBOOK to maintain me as a user.

  1. Facebook will not censor, shadow ban, or restrict my free speech on their platform unless that speech is criminal as defined by the laws of the United States.
  2. Facebook will not fact check any story or post that I share or write with any fact checker, but especially those who are Chinese or biased.
  3. Facebook will not restrict any post of mine referring to any protest or protest group unless the post advocates breaking the law. ( And I mean, “law”, not random mandates by governors.)
  4. Facebook will not hide my post and then not allow me to communicate directly with the employees or subcontractors who hid it so I may complain about what they have done. The customer must be allowed to have direct contact with those who suppress content.
  5. Facebook will allow freedom of speech to all parties, including those Facebook may not like or with whom they disagree.
  6. If I report a person for bullying me by calling me vile names, Facebook will not send me some lame explanation that implies it’s okay for that person to do that, even though Facebook has warned me for posts that were nowhere near vile or nasty.

If Facebook violates this agreement, I will be allowed to put them on restriction or, better yet, ban them for a period I determine if not indefinitely. I will also be allowed to publicly shame them.

I wonder if Facebook will sign this agreement. Hmmmm….

Better yet, maybe I’ll just go to Parler and enjoy my free speech there.

“We are all Americans.” Or are We?

During the last week I have seen so many posts on Facebook and other social media sites talking about how we should all act and feel after this debacle of a corrupt election.

One of the most annoying is the, ” In the end, we are all Americans.” Because I’m not sure we all are anymore.

I’m sure there are plenty on both sides of the election fence who claim they are the “true” Americans. They state their points, ignoring the points they stated the last time we had a Presidential election. Remember the ” Not My President” crowd? I sure do. They were vehement that somehow Trump was not their President, even though there was not evidence of voter fraud in his favor. Some of them wanted him killed, wanted to storm the White House, wanted to overturn the election, and on and on.

But now, we are supposed to accept that fact that their actions define them as “Americans” that we should join hands with and sing “Cumbaya.” I’m sorry, but their definition of what it is to be American and mine don’t match at all. One of us is wrong.

Let me ask you. Are these the actions of Americans we should align ourselves with?

  1. Prosecuting anyone, much less a President, over actions that have no basis in facts and no proof. Using “proof” based on anonymous, non-confirmed sources made up by renegade agents of the government and a biased media.
  2. Immediately deciding that a President must be impeached before he sets one foot into the White House.
  3. Conducting a propaganda campaign against a President and his followers via the news and social media.
  4. Censoring the free speech of Americans because they don’t like it.
  5. Rioting, burning and looting the property of innocent people because of something they had nothing to do with.
  6. Convicting police of wrong doing without evidence and all the facts and then acting to get rid of police completely.
  7. Calling groups of people you don’t know “racist” and other awful names just because they support a candidate who has never been shown to be racist.
  8. Threatening the followers of a candidate with violence and prosecution for expressing their support of that candidate.
  9. Dividing people by race and giving some special privileges while alleging others have special privileges that do not exist.
  10. Striving to take the hard earned money of one group to support another group who chooses not to work.
  11. Turning on those who choose not to follow illegal orders that restrict their God given freedom and reporting them to the authorities.
  12. Tearing up a President’s speech during the State of the Union.
  13. Telling parents how they must educate their children, even if those methods go against their beliefs.
  14. Indoctrinating children through the classroom.
  15. Threatening a President with death.
  16. Threatening people of different political views with death, and, in some cases attacking those people physically.
  17. Committing widespread election fraud to subvert the will of the people.

I don’t think so . And I didn’t even list all of the things that some of these people want me to define as ” American” so we can all get along.

In a concrete example, there is a Democrat supporter that lives near me who is rabid in his hatred toward Trump supporters. But, since he thinks his guy won, he now wants to have “Unity.” He has gone so far as to paint his cute little Biden sign with the word “Unity.” He has called us thieves, racists, white supremacists, etc. for four years. His wife tried to hit me with her car because she didn’t like my “Puerto Ricans for Trump” t-shirt. He has called our President awful names, and tried to get a local town commissioner candidate voted down because the candidate was a Republican.

And now that he thinks his guy won, he wants “unity.”

It’s not really what he wants. What he wants is for Trump supporters to “sit down and shut up.”

As someone said on Facebook today, he can shove his unity up his ass.

Because, you see, he wants us to think he is what America is all about. So do the Democrats.

But they are wrong. And I won’t fit into their definition. And I won’t have ” unity” with them. There’s too much of their sewage filled water under that bridge.

Time to Fight…

I am looking over my copy of the Constitution to find where it says that the news media gets to declare the official results of an election. Or that a candidate can just say he won and it is so.

I can’t find it.

But, you’d never know it to read all the posts on Facebook or to watch TV. Of all the news networks there is ONE, yes ONE that says they will not declare a winner of the Presidential election until all issues have been resolved. The rest, the ones who have been carrying water for Biden for months now, who have lied about our President for more than four years, are declaring Biden the winner.

And people are falling for it, hook, line and sinker. And not just Democrats but Conservatives and Republicans. They are waving the white flag faster than a French King. They are even congratulating Biden. Just so you know, Republicans, this is why we have lost total faith in you. You keep doing the same “politically correct” bullshit that you have done all along. Personally, I’m done with all of you. The only Republicans who have had any balls on the matter are Mike Lee, and of all people, Lindsey Graham. The rest of you pull out your “good ole boy” network crap and betray the people’s right to a fair, accurate, and transparent election. So, please don’t come and ask me to support you again for anything. I just won’t.

Why are we in such a hurry to wave the white flag? Is this a time sensitive issue? You didn’t hurry this hard in 2000, why now? Maybe you think you are cutting your losses? You are not.

It’s a good thing you weren’t in positions of power in World War II. We would all be speaking German and the Jewish people would be eradicated from the earth. You would have declared a German/Japanese victory within 48 hours of the first battle.

“Come on, ” you say, ” We just need to move on. We need to focus on maintaining/regaining the Senate and House. Then we can really do something. “

Oh yeah? Like they did during the Obama regime? Man, they stopped him in his tracks didn’t you? Except they didn’t. All this crap with the election, with the judges in place, etc. All the deep state shit? It started while that great Republican majority existed in the House and the Senate. Old Mitch and Paul really put a hurting on Obama, didn’t they?

You tell me it’s time to “heal our country.” Yeah, that ain’t happening either. You know why? Because Biden, Harris, Obama, Clinton, Comey, AOC, Ilhan Omar, Pelosi, Schumer the news media, social media networks, etc. they won’t let that happen. They’ll talk all their pretty social justice crap and then violate our rights faster than Larry Hogan during a fake pandemic. They’ll still call us names. In fact, AOC has already issued a call on Twitter to get all of the Trump supporters. How’s that for healing? You might want to watch your back at all those “unity” rallies. Those inclusive, tolerant Dems will have a knife ready for it.

You say that we are “taking the higher ground.” No you’re not. You’re taking the easy, safe way out, like you always do. I have to give it to the Democrats, they don’t mind getting dirty and doing things the hard way. They actually have balls. And we will never save our country as long as you are the ones pretending to fight the battle.

I’m sorry if this hurts your feelings. Maybe it doesn’t. Maybe you think I’m just nuts. I really don’t care. I really don’t care if I have one friend left in this world. Because my country is more important to me than your feelings or having friends.

I am so mad at myself. I thought I knew you better. I didn’t. But I won’t be fooled again. The next time an election comes around, you might want to remember that.

For those of you who believe in the fight for President Trump, I’m here with you. We might go down to defeat in the end, but at least we will know we gave it our all.

True Collusion/Swiss Cheese Ethics

Two topics this week.

Has anyone noticed that up until now people could post just about anything they wanted on Facebook , Twitter, etc.

I’ve seen death threats against the President, false accusations against the President, fake news, name calling, etc. And, even if reported, these posts got barely a yawn from Facebook and/or Twitter. Heck, at one point, groups who promoted violence such as BLM, ISIS, etc. were allowed to post videos promising riots, terrorism, etc. Crazy loons like Maxine Waters and Ilhan Omar posted screeching screeds about confronting Conservatives and committing violence on them.

And that was all fine.

Now, in a sudden fit of “conscience” or fear, they are banning any videos or posts about the recent Presidential election. One group, #stopthesteal, was banned because they believe there is rampant election fraud.


We all know why. They want to protect the fairy tale they and the news media are promoting about a Biden victory. It’s a fairy tale, one that is more damaging and frightening than any of Grimm’s. They claim they want to prevent violence.

Really? Where was this concern when Portland and Seattle were burning? When cops were being shot and killed? Crickets then.

But they are worried about it now. Because it’s not the groups they want to have a chance to speak out. They want to suppress this info. This is voter suppression by censorship.

It’s not working. Because we won’t stop posting.


I have a crazed Democrat living near me. He and his wife live in a big, waterfront home. They erect signs outside of town all the time. They recently erected a home made sign for Biden thanking the voters of Oxford for voting. It was erected in the middle of the voting. Some people thought the voting was over because of the sign. So, unethical.

Today, the sign has been painted over with crude graffiti saying, “Count all the Votes.” It’s such a poor job it is dripping in the rain and smearing. What is worse is that it is clear that this nutjob wants all ballots counted, legal or not, on time or not. Just count anything that comes in whenever. Except if they are military votes or votes for Trump. I’m sure if I dropped off a napkin from Dunkin’ Donuts with the word ” Biden” on it, this person would want it to count.

It’s same old Swiss cheese ethics, which are ethics that have holes and blind spots. If it helps a Democrat, do it. It it hurts a Democrat, don’t allow it. If there are rules and they hinder the Democrat/Socialist agenda, ignore them. That’s why they love protecting criminals so much, because they are one step away from being one themselves. After all, if one law can be broken, they all should be if they promote the Socialist cause.

I’m going to remember this guy’s ethics for a long time and remind him of them as much as possible.

Of course, this is the guy whose wife tried to hit me with her car. So, there’s that.

The Democrat Cheater’s Biggest Accomplices

As we watch this election descend into deceit, cheating, and out and out illegality, many of use wonder how this can go on. How can the Democrats get away with this crime?

They have many accomplices. The main stream media, social media, Hollywood, China, George Soros…take your pick.

But, there is one accomplice many of us ignore. It’s one we choose to ignore because it’s so painful to deal with. It’s us. We are the Democrat cheater’s biggest accomplice. It’s all of us who cheered Trump as a fighter, who encouraged him to go against the establishment, who begged him to swim up stream for us because we couldn’t do it for ourselves. And, now, when the fight is the hardest, the most crucial; we give up. And not only do we give up, we go on Social Media and tell everyone that we give up. ” It’s too hard,” ” The Dems are too crooked,” ” We don’t think we can take too much more,” and the worst comment of all, ” It will be okay. We have the Senate.”

Yeah? How did that last one work while Obama began his “fundamental change” of this country with his shady, behind the scenes actions. Did the Senate help us then? Hell, we had the House and the Senate and it didn’t prevent ONE SINGLE SOCIALIST edict or program. In fact, in some cases I think they actually accelerated them.

You see, the Democrats know us better than we know ourselves. They know that we want to be the good guys, the ones who don’t cause trouble, the ones who ” go along to get along.” Yes, there’s some complaining and whining about it all, but in the end we just give up. In Germany in World War II, they called them ” collaborators.”

If we had ANY backbone at all, we would be on every social media outlet screaming for recounts of every single state that has issues. We would write our governors, lawmakers, etc. DEMANDING it. We would tell President Trump NOT to give up until all issues have been resolved completely and to the satisfaction of all. But no, we’d rather gnash our teeth, clutch our pearls and say, “oh, well, next time.”

What we don’t understand is that there won’t be a next time. If this works now, the Democrats will use the same ploys for EVERY election. They have found the magic formula for election corruption; bribed officials, lazy participants, and weak, and willing, opposition.

They rolled the dice. They juiced the polls and got their procedures in place to steal this election. And, the only wild card in that plan, us, allowed them to win.

I’m not ready to give up. I have written the President and begged him to keep fighting. I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t. Why should he when those of us who should support him are so gutless?

My prediction is this. IF this works, we will never again have another free, legal, election in this country at any level. We have descended into one party rule. We have proven to the cheaters that they can win every time. Sadly, they will.

And we are to blame.

The Myth of Survival

On Facebook I saw a few posts this morning, even though I have avoided Facebook for at least a day. ( I avoided it because I find that if one pays attention to the lies one starts to believe them.)

Anyhow, there were some Republicans on Facebook worrying about what will happen if Biden wins. One person, a nice guy I am sure, commented that we shouldn’t worry, that this country had survived over 200 years throughout all kinds of disasters, wars, etc. His point that we could survive a Biden Presidency IF it happened.

I disagree. It’s not that I question the bravery or resiliency of the American people. I believe our people can overcome any obstacle put in front of us if we stand together. The problem is that in order to overcome an obstacle, you need to know it is there. Let me explain.

For eight years we lived through Obama. Many thought his presidency wasn’t so bad. After all, nothing bad happened in most of our lives because of him, right? Except it did and we didn’t know it.

Think about it. Did all the upheaval and division pop up all of a sudden because of Donald Trump? Did all the unjust impeachment hearings get bolstered by a political structure created on January 20,2017? Was the revolt against law and order invented in 2017? How about the strengthening of China, Iran, etc.? Were deep state operatives suddenly created in 2016?

No. Those were in development long before Donald Trump was elected. They were spawned and nourished during an Obama administration whose stated objective of “fundamental transformation” was implemented via installing liberal judges who ignore the Constitution, via hiring government operatives. cabinet members, and bureaucrats from the highest to the lowest of positions. These people hijacked the government after Trump was elected with the focused vision of continuing the growth and power of the political complex. They lead the long, slow march to the rights of the collective overpowering the rights of the individual. And we didn’t know it was happening.

The courted Hollywood, professional sports, and technology companies, promising them the moon if they just supported their one world view.

And now we see the installation being enacted in our election policies and procedures, with the ultimate goal being to keep one party in power always, whether the people want it or not. What kind of country does an election like we are doing this one?

It’s not like these actions hadn’t started earlier, either. Remember Clinton selling our White House to the Chinese for donations? Remember him allowing our technology to be sold to them so that they now can only replicate it, but make sure that we can’t compete with them. Remember who he appointed to the Supreme Court?

And now, Republicans, in true “surrender at all costs” want us to just accept whatever happens, even if it took corruption and cheating that rivals that which goes on in third world countries.

Tell that to the millions of lives lost through abortion. ” Just keep your head down, we’ll survive.”

Tell that to the people of the cities who lose hundreds of loved ones’ lives to violence from gangs while police are told to “stand down.” “Just keep your head down, we’ll survive.”

Tell that to the Christians who are no longer allowed to celebrate their faith in freedom. ” Just keep your head down, we’ll survive.”

Tell that to the thousands of school children trapped in substandard indoctrination centers called “public schools” who are being robbed on an education. ” Just keep your head down, we’ll survive.”

Tell that to the millions of workers whose jobs will be taken by illegal immigrants. ” Just keep your head down, we’ll survive.”

Tell that to the taxpayers, whose hard earned money is redistributed to those who refuse to work. ” Just keep your head down, we’ll survive.”

Nope. Not going to keep my head down. I won’t riot or get on Twitter and threaten people with assassination. But I won’t go along to get along either.

Because that’s how our country will die.

Sacrificing Souls

“What doth it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul.”-Mark 8:36

This quote stood out to me this morning as I did my morning run through the streets of Oxford.

As I passed each waterfront home, each million dollar property, each small home, each small business, each luxury car gas powered and electric, I wondered about Oxford, its soul, our soul as citizens of the town and this country.

When I first moved here over 40 years ago, Oxford was very different. While there were big houses and waterfront properties, the town was more active, more participatory, more working class. The restaurants, save the Robert Morris Inn, were more casual, more like crab houses. Pope’s Tavern was just that, a tavern where watermen and their families went to play pool and socialize over Natty Bo and crab cakes. We had a little league field and a team to play on it. Children could be seen throughout the town on bikes or walking the shoreline. The town park had a jungle gym to go along with the swings and picnic benches.

I remember some of the older citizens of the time talking about how Oxford was changing. People from D.C. and Annapolis were coming here and buying up property for their “summer” homes. They talked about how these new homeowners were changing the town, making it more like a rich retirement community and less like the friendly little town it used to be. My father in law once said, ” if they could, they would make this into Gibson Island.” Gibson Island was a wealthy gated community near Baltimore.

Newcomers complained about the noise of the workboats leaving early in the morning, about kids walking on “their ” shoreline, about the “dangerous” jungle gym, about visitors to families parking on the street, and other issues usually reserved for living in the city. They demanded ordinances restricting anything that they didn’t like such as restaurants having music on weekends or the grass in a yard not being mowed regularly.

But there was a more important change happening. Oxford began to lose its soul. People who used to know their neighbors no longer did. It’s hard to get to know someone who only comes down on weekends. It’s hard to be friendly with someone who constantly challenges public right of way or property lines. It’s hard to be friendly with someone who thinks they are superior to you and your way of life merely because they came from a city.

To be fair, not all the newcomers wanted Oxford to become something it shouldn’t be. Some of them embraced the town as it was and loved the simple pleasure of living here. They wanted to preserve the waterman tradition.

But if any year exposed the negative impact of some, it was this year. With the “pandemic” there was a push to shut everything down, restrict movement and even visitors and workers from out of town. Shorelines were closed and neighbors became “tattle tails” about mask usage. One resident even questioned the lawn services using leaf blowers because they might, “blow the germs around.” The DC/Annapolis escapees seized this opportunity to explain to the locals that they knew better how we should protect ourselves. The town newsletter became a nagging reminder of what citizens should and shouldn’t do. People even suggested that citizens quarantine themselves when coming back from other states.

During the 2020 election for a Town Commissioner, something that had never happened before happened. Newcomers put forward their candidate who had barely lived here three years and just recently became a U.S. citizen. Forgive me for being non-woke, but shouldn’t someone live in a place longer than that before running for office?

His platform was generic, created without any understanding of what Oxford was and is. His supporters started campaigning by using smear tactics against another candidate because he was a Republican and a Trump supporter. Just so you know, I can’t remember a single election for Town Commissioner in which political power mattered. The young man won anyway, but it inserted a new partisanship in town that had never been here before.

And then there was the “virtue signaling” of the new crowd. They held “Black Lives Matter” rallies while ignoring calls to rally to support police. This from a group that fought hard against more affordable housing years ago, thus assuring the town would remain rich and mostly white. I guess white guilt only goes so far.

Add to that the contentious national election and suddenly neighbors began disowning their neighbors for having different political views. One candidate’s supporters were called ” thieves” and “racists” on local social media groups and even in a local editorial. One man accused Trump supporters of stealing his Biden signs, only to find out later it was a prank by friends. Another said he ” felt unsafe” because of his anti-Trump letter to the editor claiming that only Biden signs were stolen or had graffiti painted on them and that Trump supporters were to blame.

Now the town where we all knew each other became a town where one’s political sign in the yard designated one’s “tribe.” People walked out of local businesses merely because of a political choice. They refused morning greetings to someone in the wrong shirt or hat. I was almost hit by a car from a local person who disagrees with my political beliefs.

Oxford had lost its soul. Many of us felt it as we traveled the streets. It just wasn’t Oxford any more.

Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s the only place this has happened to. I think many places in our country are losing their souls.

And what are we gaining? Bragging rights? Political power? Are we gaining safety and security from anything and everything at the expense of freedom? Do any of us feel closer to our neighbors? Do any of us feel human? Do Zoom calls really make us feel like part of the human family? We aren’t even allowed to attend our local churches, pray and sing for goodness sake. And one callous health “expert,” Dr. Fauci, campaigned to cancel Thanksgiving.

Once you lose your soul, it’s hard to get back. And once you’ve lost it, you’ve lost the ability to overcome any hard times you may encounter. If you have no soul, where do you turn when things go horribly wrong?

A country without a soul certainly can’t fight against outside enemies or those who want to do us harm. Once your moral strength is depleted, you are easily toppled like a big oak with no core.

But that is what some people in this country are aiming for, isn’t it? They want no law and order, no freedom, no rights of the individual. They want the right to kill millions of human babies, just because.

If you want to see what this looks like, look at Venezuela. Look at the regimes in Cuba, China, and even the reigns of evil Kings like Henry VIII. A country, town, or state without a soul has no problem taking the life of a citizen, especially those who have a soul and stand up against it.